les mariniers
Depuis mars 2016 l'espace mariniers est devenu la mediathèque bricolée NGHE. Mediathèque alternative - espace d'échange et de rencontre - nous sommes ouverts tous les dimanches de 14h à 22h. Inscrivez vous à la mailinglist pour être informés des événements réguliers liés à la promotion de la culture indépendante.
Pour plus d'infos visitez le nouveau site et blog :
Pour plus d'infos visitez le nouveau site et blog :
fb: espace mariniers
rue des mariniers, 6 / 1080 Monlenbeek St Jean
Voir le planlundi 7 mars 2016
BAABA en concert ce samedi à NGHE, 6 rue des mariniers Bruxelles
Entrée 3 euros
Entrée 3 euros
vendredi 5 juin 2015
Les moussons aux mariniers
Remplissage de ventres - Rencontre de micro brasseries indépendantes
demain 6 juin. à 18h. boire une bière et manger une saucisse,
et le tout fait maison...
attention l'événement se termine à 23h.
mercredi 29 avril 2015
petit train ce dimanche 03 mai
Wunderbarr les enfants, le petit train reprend une dernière fois du service !!!
Fantastique kids, the little train come again for a last show !!!
Venez avec vos parents vos mémés et vos doudous admirer cet extraordinaire voyage sensorielle et numérique.
Le petit train va partout du sol au plafond il fait des tourbillons,
passe au travers de montagnes, de vallons et sous les jupes des filles.
Ambiance assurée.
Dernière chance,
Ouverture des portes à 15H , ce dimanche 3 Mai.
Y'aura du goûter
visite du train jusque 21h
Gratis toegang
6 rue des mariniers
Fantastique kids, the little train come again for a last show !!!
Venez avec vos parents vos mémés et vos doudous admirer cet extraordinaire voyage sensorielle et numérique.
Le petit train va partout du sol au plafond il fait des tourbillons,
passe au travers de montagnes, de vallons et sous les jupes des filles.
Ambiance assurée.
Dernière chance,
Ouverture des portes à 15H , ce dimanche 3 Mai.
Y'aura du goûter
visite du train jusque 21h
Gratis toegang
6 rue des mariniers
jeudi 2 avril 2015
CONCERTS + PETIT TRAIN 2.0 --- AUX MARINIERS -- le 3/04 à 20h Boîte de réception
Vendredi 3 Avril , soit demain soir :à 20h pétante
....................................................................... Concerts au mariniers:
......................................................................... PIOTR KUREK
(Digitalis, Black Sweat Records - Warsaw/PO)
(JJ-Funhouse - Antwerp/BE)
(Brutal Music, Twisted Nerve, Stark reality - London/UK)
(Digitalis, Black Sweat Records - Warsaw/PO)
(JJ-Funhouse - Antwerp/BE)
(Brutal Music, Twisted Nerve, Stark reality - London/UK)
ET la deuxième version full HD du petit train!
5 euros sonnants et trébuchants de contribution pour vos artistes
au 6 rue des mariniers
PIOTR KUREK (Digitalis, Black Sweat Records - Warsaw/PO)
Piotr Kurek - born in 1978 in Poland, musician, composer and enthusiast collector of instruments and vintage studio equipment. Author of numerous pieces for theatre and contemporary dance performances, Kurek straddles the worlds of free-jazz, psychedelia, musique concrète and drone. After performing Unsound and CTM we are very happy to welcome him for the first time in Brussels!!
MITTLAND OCH LEO (JJ-Funhouse - Antwerp/BE)
Mittland Och Leo are Belgium's latest synth-pop revelation. Antwerp based Milan Warmoeskerken and Joke Leonare released a beautiful first album on the closely linked DIY-imprint JJ-Funhouse. Wonderfully warm and melancholic synth melodies flirting with low-fi drum machines. The simplicity of these compositions are the key to the overall beauty that "Optimists" uncovers.
If you are into Peaking Lights, Mammane Sani or Aphex Twin this should definitely be up your alley. Don't miss!
CHERRYSTONES (Brutal Music, Twisted Nerve, Stark reality - London/UK)
Cherrystones has been on the underground scene for a while -- people know of him, kinda speak of his grooved-out genius in hushed whispers and his world-class ability to truly rock a club, is ... well - why else would the Horrors sought and specifically seeked him out for a remix? Or you may have heard of Cheerystones when closing down the final night at the ATP for Comets on Fire?
No? Or when he almost came close to the mainstream when a certain Creation Records bro released some jamz that saw Cherrystones and things blow up, and the heat moving from London to downtown New York City, to release epic Morricone noise jams (perversely as Godsy) (and as sole label-mate to DJ Harvey).
Don't believe me? Set your sights on the Boiler Room set with Gaslamp Killer, for a rare glimpse of Cherrystones caught on the internets.
Cherrystones is the real deal: intense, passionate and very funny. When soundtrack whiz David Holmes, set up his own label, he had one 'get' on his 'to-do' list was a compilation of jamz by Cherrystones. Not an easy task. Why? A Cherrystones night out is hard to capture. There is a reason why some of the biggest artists ask Cherrystones to lay down grooves for a night ... a London night with Cherrystones is legendary. This lone wolf and his distinctive ability to blend Italian film soundtracks, garage fuzz, krautrock and punk and translate them into a hip hop context, is not one for blog keywords search. It defies wikipedia genre. Or as Cherrystones states "...As long as it makes people move on the floor, I'm into it. I've been running a rescue home for the culturally starved and ignored- a sonic soup kitchen within a philanthropist playground That's the vibe".
Hey - in a world of endless spotify and youtube playlists - isn't it time to bring back the rebel dub notion but finessed into a pure post punk groove. Come on. Don't you think you are worth it? Let Cherrystones shake your bones.
+ DJs:
Uva Ursi
DJ soFa
5€ contribution! no guestlist.
LMALC records is dead, but the Livingroom concerts live on!

mardi 10 mars 2015
18 mars aux mariniers - les trains, la musique et autres bêtises
18 mars à 20h
En concert:
Picastro (canada)
Khora (canada)
Refurinn Kitsune (brussels)
+ présentation d'une première étape de travail du "petit train" en construction aux mariniers.
entrée à 5 euros
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